Personal Care / Parent

Deodorant – To Aluminum or Not To Aluminum

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I never really thought much about the deodorant I was using.  That was until several years ago, when a ton of articles seemed to appear about a supposed link between aluminum (the main ingredient in traditional, “non-green” deodorants) and things like dementia and Alzheimer’s.  To be fair, there seem to be other studies which suggest there is no link.  But, I decided to err on the side of caution and try to find a green brand which did not contain aluminum.  What a chore!

When I was pregnant with my child, my body seemed to change a lot.  One of these changes seemed to be ridiculously excessive sweating – like I had a faucet on in my armpits.  It was ridiculous – enough so that a good friend told me I should try the clinical version of a drugstore deodorant (note to friend – you’re a true friend if you tell me I have pools of water under my arms and smell like a farm animal.  Thank you).  So, I spent the $8 – $10 for Secret Clinical Strength…and it worked!!!!!  Loved it.  I tried a few other of the clinical versions of brands, but they didn’t seem to work as well for me.  Secret Clinical Strength has 20% “aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly” which is the stuff that helps you stop sweating and smelling like a pig (note that basic versions of deodorant generally have maybe 15% tops).

So, the clinical strength was working.  But, I still wanted to try to find a non aluminum deodorant.  I probably tried a dozen.  To be clear, natural deodorants typically do not include antipersperant ingredients.  So, you may still sweat.  But, the goal is that you don’t smell (hence, why they’re always just called deodorants).

First, I tried Toms of Maine.  For me, this felt like someone had lit a fire under my armpits.  It was horrendous.  Never again.  I tried almost every other brand I could find at Whole Foods, Sprouts and Vitamin Cottage (Natural Grocers) including Taylor’s Pits, Desert Essence (another one that burned like I was holding a lighter to my armpit), and even one of those funky crystal rock things (I was desperate!).

Then, I couldn’t believe it, but I found one:  EO Organic Deodorant Spray.  There are a few different scents, but I really liked the citrus one.  It comes in a smaller, blue spray container, and IT WORKS!.  I don’t even feel that I’m sweating, and there is definitely no sweat odor.  And yes, I’ve asked people if I smell.  I have no shame.  Fortunately, people told me they didn’t smell anything at all (like I said early, my friends are brutally honest, so I trust them).

So, give EO Organic Deodorant Spray a try.  I think you’ll be happily surprised.  And, whether there is a true link between aluminum and cognitive degeneration or not, you have a deodorant that works as well as the clinical ones!

Love and peace,

The Almost Green Mom

Amy Smith is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to



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