Monthly Archives

May 2022


Spring is in Full Swing

Anyone else get 8″ of snow last night? Welcome to Denver weather – it was 90 degrees just a few days ago. Yours truly was up all night shaking the snow off trees (which, I thought was a joke my brother told me until I moved here).

Also, anyone else get hit with that nasty adenovirus and / or COVID this past month? We got the former which circulated in our house for a good month. I’m going to take the silver lining and say our immune systems are all the stronger for it.

On the COVID front, I got my 2nd booster a good month or so ago, and my 8 year old will get her booster next week. A lot of comments have been thrown my way about how the virus has mutated and the vaccines don’t apply anymore. While the virus has mutated (that’s what they do to survive!), a vaccine is still, BY FAR, the best protection against serious illness and hospitalization / death due to COVID. So, sign me up. I’ll take mild symptoms over a vent any day. I am STILL waiting for the under 5 vaccine for my spunky 4 year old. Come on already!

So, we’re looking forward to summer – hopefully no more snow, a much deserved vacation to our happiest place on earth (cabin), mountains, BBQs and friends.

Stay safe. Stay smart. Smile. Commit to random acts of kindness.