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Personal Care / Child, Personal Care / Mom, Personal Care / Parent

The Importance of Mental Health

Yeah, it’s been a minute since I’ve posted. During that time, I’ve had 4 surgeries (knee replacement, gallbladder removal and 2 bile stent procedures), turned 50 (yikes!) and dealt with a lot of ups and downs and powered through life. I can’t say I was healthy about powering through, but I made it to the other side.

I feel like now I’m finally coming up for air and wanted to post about mental health. I have depression and anxiety and have been seeking professional help for years now. Thank goodness I finally discussed it with doctors after years of struggling. It was hard to admit I needed help – that was the hardest part. I wish our medical establishment would do a better job of prioritizing mental health as much as it does with routine things like blood pressure, cholesterol levels and the like. I currently work with not only an MD who specializes in mental health, but also a good therapist.

And it’s not just an adult thing. In this day and age, mental health for children should also be a top list priority. Both of my kids regularly see a family therapist. There is so much stigma around this right now which is a shame. Talking to someone about life is not only therapeutic, but I believe critical. Kids face so much pressure today – whether that be in school, from social media, sports, etc. I’ll never forget when a neighbor asked me if I was going to hold my oldest child back a year in school on purpose so she could be more competitive in sports. What????

So, this is a short post, but make 2024 about self care (as one of my best friends has coined it). Advocate for yourself and your family:

  • Discuss your and your family’s mental health with a medical professional
  • Consider going to therapy
  • Reverse the stigma of mental health medication
  • Lead by example

Here’s to a healthy (physically and emotionally) 2024,

The Almost Green Mom

Personal Care / Child, Personal Care / Mom, Personal Care / Parent

Some Ideas to Stay Sane With Kids During “Lockdown”


Anyone else feel this way right now?  I know I do!  Let’s start off with the fact that these are times most of us have never experienced before (only other I can think of is the Great Depression).  I always try to tell myself to focus on the things in my control and not worry too much about things I can’t control.  So, stop with CNN and Facebook for a bit, center yourselves and try to focus on your and your family’s health and sanity.  I’m also a huge believer of people around you feeding off your energy (especially children), so let’s all try to take deep breaths and send out whatever positive vibes we can.

Given the times we’re in right now, I’m changing the focus of the blog to how to survive these times with humility, humor and honesty.  These upcoming blogs will provide insight for parents, kids and caregivers on how to help us all cope and get through these times, hopefully even with some humor and laughter.  The blogs will focus on a variety of things including activities, exercise / movement and mental health.  I’d love feedback on what you all are doing as well!

So, let’s start off with some insight into how I’m keeping my 6 and 2 year old busy and having fun:

Arts & Crafts

Godsend.  If you can’t find the one remaining off of Amazon (so annoying they’re out of almost EVERYTHING), think about seeing if a local toy store can deliver (and support local business), or you can even make your own!

  • Bath Bombs.  Make your own bath bombs (baking soda, epsom salt and a few other ingredients).  Here’s a good make at home kids’ bath bomb recipe – you can even make it a little more fun by hiding a little toy inside (age appropriate), AND you can get your kids in the bath (#winning).  Remember that essential oils can be dangerous for kids, so make sure you’re using a recipe specifically for children.  Here is good one I found on amazon as well – Bath Bombs for Kids

  • Spirograph.  This one has stood the test of time.  For some reason, my kids actually fight over who gets to use it.  I found a good Spirograph Junior version on Amazon that is very kid friendly and a little easier to use vs. the old school one.

  • Garden Seed Starter Kits.  This is also one you can do at home or get a premade kit.  While we can’t go to the stores right now to buy plants, you can get a head start on that summer garden by planting the actual seeds and growing them inside.  By the time it’s planting time, your plants will be just as good (if not better) than the kind you can buy in stores.  Use whatever seeds you have on hand, or get seeds shipped to you from your local nursery.  Make sure to follow the planting instructions to ensure maximum potential for the plants to thrive.  I found these fun kits on Amazon – this one is for a Tomato Garden Seed Starter Kit.  The company has a few other options as well.

We’ll start with this for now – I will continue to post every few days or so with new ideas.

Remember:  stay inside, make the most of the situation and try to laugh and smile as much as possible.

The Almost Green Mom

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Personal Care / Parent

Happy 2019

Happy (belated) New Year everyone.  2018 was full, busy, hilarious, outrageous and everything else.  Here’s to a wonderfully robust and heart-warming 2019.

A big key for me for this year to to reduce stress and focus on spending time on myself.  As a single mom of 2 young kids, that’s a tall order, but I’m focused on making it happen. So, how am I going to do this?  Here are a few of the things I’m committed to (which may be helpful to you as well):

  • Stay healthy:  this is a combination of nutrition, supplementation and mental sanity!   As I mentioned in a previous post, I decided to become gluten-free and vegan last Spring for several reasons including reducing my carbon footprint (doing what I can especially during a time when ridiculous views on anti climate change seem to be gaining attention) as well as overall reduction of inflammation in my body.  One of my favorite online resources for veganism is  If you happen to live in the Denver area, there is an amazing cooking school called The Almost Vegan Cooking School.  Both of these resources provide great information of how to eat vegan in a healthy way.  To note, if you are vegan, ensure you are supplementing with B12 as you won’t be eating this vital nutrient.  It also may be a good idea to meet with a nutritionist to ensure you are eating properly – eating potato chips, while vegan, probably isn’t the smartest choice.  In terms of my daily supplements, that hasn’t changed substantially and the mainstays can be viewed in my Daily Routine blog.  In terms of mental sanity, I try to work out / move my body daily – whether that be a more intense workout at the gym, a walk or running around the backyard with my kids. I’ve tried meditation, and it just doesn’t work for me.  My view is do what relaxes you and what you enjoy.   As part of this, mental health is vitally important and nothing to ignore or be embarrassed to talk about.  Please don’t ignore signs of any mental health issues and discuss them with your medical professional.
  • Ask for help. This is a HARD one for me.  HARD is probably an understatement.  I’ve always (tried to do) done everything myself, but at times I have been overwhelmed and have realized that asking for help is the mature and right thing to do – whether it’s a neighbor picking up something for me at Target (you know who you are!), a neighbor picking up one child at the bus stop, a family member flying in and staying a few days longer than probably planned to help with a variety of things, etc.  Also, while more indirect, please use delivery services!  Whether it’s Amazon Prime, WalMart drive up & go, etc.  There are a lot of cost efficient services out there to minimize the time you need to spend on somewhat mundane activities like grocery shopping.  This will leave more time for you time.
  • See the silver lining.  Sh*t happens.  That’s life.  As those close to me know, I always say, “It is what it is.”  So, how do you react to it?  Do you get pissed off, angry and take it out on those around you?  I’ve been there.  I get it.  I now always try to look for the silver lining in things.  It’s not always easy, but I try.  It helps put things in perspective.  And then, I take deep breaths.  Literally, I do.

While this is a short blog, I hope it helps.  Again, here’s to a fabulous 2019.

Love & Peace,

The Almost Green Mom

Personal Care / Child, Personal Care / Parent

It’s Flu Season…Yes, In September

Whether you are pro or anti vaccination, you should know that flu season is already upon us.  Our pediatrician, as well as a trauma nurse friend, have both confirmed flu cases have come into doctors offices and ERs.  Personally, I vaccinate my children.  I don’t want to get into a debate on vaccinations…at all!

Here’s what you should know:

  • Flu is already here (flu season typically starts later in October)
  • If you get a flu shot, consider getting one now – our pediatrician’s office had a flu clinic this past Sunday, and our pediatrician urged us not to wait until one of my child’s well visits in early October (including for myself)
  • Whether you get a flu shot or not, consider having a stash of herbal and alternative remedies on hand NOW as they work best at the first sign of the flu.  As I always say, I am not a doctor.  These are things that work for me and my family – please consult with your own medical professional for guidance.  Below are listed a few of the things I have on hand all year long specifically to address colds and flu (and I started buying more a few weeks ago):
    • Oil of Oregano – the capsule form of this is FOR ADULTS ONLY.  Should you wish to give this to a baby or young child, you must get appropriate dosing information from a medical professional (DO NOT USE CAPSULES FOR CHILDREN).  Oil of oregano has been used for centuries and now is many times used as a substitute for antibiotics.  In addition to killing many forms of bacteria, oil of oregano can also kill viruses and fungus.  Here is a good description of oil of oregano as well as its uses and benefits, from the noted Dr. Axe
    • Colloidal Silver – this is a controversial one, so do your research and figure out if it’s for you.  Yes, this is silver like the metal.  But, it is in a very small form, suspended in water.  The claim is that silver is antibacterial, antimicrobial, stimulates healing (for wounds – it is known to be very beneficial for burns and skin wounds), etc.  I have used this personally for when I feel a cold coming on, pink eye, sinus infection, cuts, etc.  The product can be dosed for children 4 years of age and older.  I will only use the Sovereign Silver brand – its particles are nano sized, so the parts per million of silver is quite low.  Again, this is a controversial one – there is concern that the nanoparticle size would allow the silver to penetrate into the brain.  So, do your research and speak with a professional about this.  Again, another link to information on colloidal silver from Dr. Axe
    • Oscillococcinum – don’t make me pronounce this, but it works.  They are small tubes of white granules (which taste sweet), which you dissolve in your mouth every 6 hours at the onset of flu symptoms.  This can be used by both adults and children 2 years and older.  All I know is that every time I feel flu like symptoms coming on, if I take this immediately (you must take this at the first signs, or it doesn’t work as well), my symptoms go away in a day or so.  And, it’s become mainstream enough that I’ve seen it sold at Safeway, Target, Walmart, etc.  I always buy the 30 count package to ensure I don’t run out
    • ColdCalm – this is specifically for children 6 months and up.  It’s more geared towards cold symptoms like stuffy & runny nose and congestion.  I have given it to both my almost 5 year old and 1 year old with success.  It looks like those disposable eye saline tubes – small, plastic tubes which you twist the tops off of and then squirt the liquid in your / your children’s mouths.  It is homeopathic and is made by the same company which makes Oscillococcinum.  Oh, and ColdCalm also comes in a tablet form, but the tablets are not meant for babies – so I say go with the liquid ones because it works for all ages over 6 months.
    • WishGarden Cold Seasons – this is a brown liquid tincture FOR CHILDREN.  It doesn’t really taste good, but I think it works.  This formulation is made specifically for children.  In addition to the Cold Seasons formulation, the company also makes children’s tinctures for general immune strength, coughs, sleep and many other things.  While Amazon stocks this, you can also go straight to the company’s website; or better yet, go to Pharmaca, Whole Foods or Natural Grocers – all stock this (note that Sprouts is now phasing out many of the Wish Garden herbs and replacing them with its own branded version which I find is not as effective)

Other than this, I swear by garlic – I dice a few cloves every morning (let it sit for at least 10 minutes to activate the compound which is antibacterial / antiviral), put in on a spoon with a little honey and down the hatch (no way I’m chewing on garlic).

Here’s to a healthy fall and winter for everyone – I always say be prepared as colds and flus can come on suddenly.  Best to have a stash on hand.

Love & Peace,

The Almost Green Mom

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Amy Smith is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Food / Drink, Personal Care / Child, Personal Care / Parent

Back to School Preparation

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I still can’t get over the fact that schools now start in August.  I grew up in Minnesota, and our school didn’t start until after Labor Day.  It almost seems sacrilegious to start in August.  But, here we are.

In addition to buying the required school supplies, clothes, etc., it’s also time to revisit how to boost our children’s immune systems naturally as much as we can – not only does diet play a significant role in this, but certain herbs and foods can also serve as medicine (both preventative as well as to treat conditions).  As I always say, I am not a doctor, so these are mere suggestions that have worked for us.  And, as many of you know, while I am all about going the natural route as much as possible, I am also a firm believer in using pediatricians, urgent cares, ERs and medicine when required.  I will also throw out there that I do vaccinate both of my children – I don’t say this to stir up controversy, but rather to set the stage for my recommendations.  So, what may be right for me and my family, may not necessarily be right for you and yours.


Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at 6.52.18 PMMany times summer is the fun time for eating – not only BBQs and picnics, but also snacks such as popsicles, ice cream, chips, s’mores, etc.  Hey, what would a 4th of July celebration be without these things?  But, once the new school year rolls around, I always try to clean things up at least a few weeks before school starts.  Why?  Because I’m a firm believer that diet plays an integral role in our overall health.

We start focusing more on “foods that matter” – foods that have denser nutrient and vitamin profiles.  This means a lot more fruits, vegetables and quality sources of protein and less of starchy carbs, sugars and snacks that have no vitamins (sorry goldfish).

While I am now vegan (longer story maybe for another post), my children are not.  If they choose to go down that path later in life, that is their choice.  For now, because they seem to like meat, I make sure I only buy organic meats from quality butchers (such as Whole Foods).  I try to include protein, fruits and vegetables into each meal.  And for snacks, I try to push as much real food like fresh fruit, as possible.

So, what do our typical meals look like to prep for back to school?

Breakfast:  buckwheat waffles (can buy frozen), whole grain cinnamon raisin toast, steel cut oats with maple, scrambled eggs, yogurt

Lunch / Dinner:  chicken burgers (organic ground chicken breast), hamburgers (1 – 2 x week maximum), scrambled eggs, lentil pasta (HUGE FANS of the Tolerant brand of lentil pasta (not the chickpea one tho which seems to have really funky foam.  We prefer the red and green lentil versions), “quesadilla without cheese” (note:  my daughter cannot eat cheese – this is an organic whole wheat tortilla, with mashed avocado on top, garlic powder, olives, diced tomatoes and mushrooms toasted in the toaster over), “fake pizza” (similar to the quesadilla, but on whole wheat bread with marinara and veggies), fruit, veggies

Snacks:  fruit (any kind of fresh fruit – sometimes on a kebab stick to make them more fun), veggies, organic fruit strips, raisins, nuts, frozen yogurt tubes (organic version of Gogurt put in the freezer), Whenever Bars (see link), popcorn, applesauce, mandarin oranges in cup (drain out the pear juice – note:  we only buy the non GMO ones in pear juice – check labels because many of the traditional ones have high fructose corn syrup)

I’m sure I’m missing some things, but this gives you an idea.  I really try to focus on high vitamin C fruits (C is water soluble, so any extra is peed out) which has been proven time and time again to help prevent and fight colds as well as high quality protein.  We also only drink water – we don’t drink cows milk (fortified almond milk at times – see my previous post on milk alternatives) or juice.


I wrote a fairly extensive blog on the supplements we use in our house.  This is the blog about our Daily Routine.  This is the blog about additional supplements during Cold Season.

I start giving my oldest elderberry syrup about 1 week before school starts, along with her other daily wellness items.  In addition, I stock up on the Wishgarden herbs I mentioned in the other blog, manuka honey and colloidal silver (note – this is very controversial).


I also make sure our humidifiers are clean (dilute vinegar in water and swish it around the main tank and let it sit for maybe an hour or so.  While that is sitting, clean out the bottom part of the humidifier with a damp paper towel dunked in that water / vinegar mixture – you may see white sediment, which can be mineral deposits from tap water; you may also see mold.  Get all of that stuff out (note:  you should clean out the humidifier like this every few weeks during the winter as well – you do not want mold in the air of your child’s room!).  Dump it out and fill it again, but this time run the humidifier outside so the water / vinegar mix can travel through the entire humidifier).

Then, take a deep breath and know that you’re doing everything you can to keep you and your family healthy – kids (and probably you) will get sick.  It’s part of life, but you can be as prepared as possible to lessen the symptoms.

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Love & Peace,

The Almost Green Mom


Amy Smith is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to